Man, that shark is the most epic shark of all time. It must be from sparta.
Man, that shark is the most epic shark of all time. It must be from sparta.
Thanks man, and yeah it's one of the most epic sharks! :D
This is very interesting I admit, with the ragdoll tossing game, but there are some large flaws. For example, I've noticed whenever I move into a new area I lose some items, and I landed in a position where my zombie is now moving backwards at about 1/2 foot per second. It would be much appreciated if these glitches were fixed. Still a great game though, I've never seen a ragdoll tossing game. 4/5
Wait, does that mean I get christmas? Hurray!
Great game, glad it came out!
Ah, I love this game. The fact that you had to grind was not that bad. I don't know why everyone is complaining. Also, the point was not to collect the backpacks, and the weapons DO have their own stats. I love the massive armory and the arrange of enemies. Also, the leveling system and stats page were great, I think. For all the people who didn't read the instructions and don't know where the stat page is: click on the little tankman head on the upper left corner. My favorite part was actually going back to previous levels and seeing how much I've improved. Although I agree the game can get a little easy at times, I have found myself intensely watching the health bars go down after spending all my energy. For any future sequels that may be coming out (wink), a great addition would be a stat to increase your health. Sure, defense is great, but by adding a health factor it would add more strategy by making you figure out the perfect layout, instead of a simpler three stats. Just a suggestion though, you should underline/ bold print the part about where the stat page is, just to increase your overall ranking. Wonderful, I have my eyes open for a sequel!
Man, I love this game. It is a lot like call of duty, except turn-based. Great system, love the turn based and no leader factors, great choice of weapons, skills, attachments, and pretty much everything. I also love how you don't have to beat the level to get xp and how you can replay previous things, and the destination game mode. Wonderful! Whatever new tactical-rpg your making, I hope it isn't to far of from this piece of art!
Out of 5:
Graphics- 3
Gameplay- 4
Replay value- 5
Upgrades and interest value-4
Frustration ( bad thing) -
This is a great game, I simply love the level up drawings, watching my character progress, and the combat system. The only problem is that on multiple occasions when playing this game I've gone through some serious bugs. The first is that it lagged so much it was unplayable, it even crashed my computer. The next is that for some reason a control will temperaraly break, either stopping me from moving out of the way of attacks or not being able to attack myself. Please fix these! (They might just be for me, but I doubt it.)
The lag is probably a flash player problem, make sure you have the latest version. The sticking keys is an internet explorer bug, you can google the fix or use a diff browser.
Great and Hilarious
Ah, it has funny voices and I love the comedy of the machines to make the food. (It's almost true!) Also, the pensioner just hurt. I like the music change.
It's... It's...
It's an upgrade game! YESSS! I love upgrade games, and I love this game. I love you! I love everything except Mondays through Wednesdays!
Glad to know you enjoyed the game! Thanks for the great review :)
This itself is a pretty good game, but when I press one direction I just keep on going for a little bit. Either this, or I don't go at all. This MUST be fixed, then it will be a great game. Fix the movement! Fix it!
(Oh yeah, and please PM me when you do :D)
Sometimes I like to dig through my old comments and cringe at them. I invite you to do the same.
Age 27, Male
Joined on 2/21/10